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Fermented Cashew Cheesecake

By 13/03/2019April 17th, 2019211 Comments

This is a base recipe for making a raw cheesecake from fermented cashews. I use this base recipe all over my site and in my online course as it serves many purposes. Not only does this recipe make for an excellent cheesecake filling, it also works amazingly well for frosting and piping. 

Cashews are really the best nut to use for this, but you could also try using peeled almonds or macadamia nuts. They are more fibrous than cashews, so it won’t yield that same creamy consistency. The reason I ferment the nuts, from a strictly culinary perspective, is because it makes the final product far lighter and has a lovely flavour. 

You could easily use this base recipe to make a simple lemon cheesecake or strawberry cheesecake. This no bake cheesecake is super versatile!

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Fermented Cashew Cheesecake

This is a base recipe for making a raw cheesecake from fermented cashews. I use this base recipe all over my site and in my online course as it serves many purposes. Not only does this recipe make for an excellent cheesecake filling, it also works amazingly well for frosting and piping.
Cashews are really the best nut to use for this, but you could also try using peeled almonds or macadamia nuts. They are more fibrous than cashews, so it won’t yield that same creamy consistency. The reason I ferment the nuts, from a strictly culinary perspective, is because it makes the final product far lighter and has a lovely flavour.
You could easily use this base recipe to make a simple lemon cheesecake or strawberry cheesecake. This no bake cheesecake is super versatile! 


Chocolate Nut Flour Crust

    makes 1 x 6-8 inch spring form tin

    • 75g (1/3 cup) tightly packed coconut sugar, powdered
    • 100g (1 1/4 cup) 1 ¼ cup nut flour ( tigernut, almond, sesame, etc.. )
    • 50 g cacao powder
    • 1 tsp tamari
    • 40 g cacao butter, melted
    • 20 g water, as needed to bind

    Fermented Cream Cheese

    • 250 g cashews, soaked
    • 1 tsp probiotic powder
    • 100 g water, or just enough to blend

    Vanilla Cheesecake

    • 1 recipe cashew cream cheese above
    • 150g (1/2 cup) xylitol or coconut sugar
    • 40 g lemon juice
    • 150 g coconut oil, melted
    • 6-8 drops vanilla medicine flower extract


    • Yellow – turmeric
    • Red/Pink – freeze dried raspberry powder or strawberry powder dried beetroot powder
    • Purple – freeze dried beetroot powder
    • Greens – matcha tea powder spirulina, chlorella powder


    Chocolate Nut Flour Crust

    • In a food processor, blend the first set of ingredient to combine well.
    • Add the second set of ingredients and pulse to mix. The mix should come together, but not be so moist that it forms into a ball in the machine.
    • Line a cake tin with cling film, or use a silicone baking tin, and press the crust into the base, bringing it up the sides. Dampen your fingers as needed to smooth it out and keep it from sticking to your hands as you work it into the shell. Don’t over moisten your hands and dampen the crust too much.
    • Pop in the freezer while you make the filling or dehydrate the crust in the prepared tart tins lined with a strip of greaseproof.

    Fermented Cream Cheese

    • Blend the cashews with the probiotic powder and just enough water to create a thick mixture.
    • Transfer to a mixing bowl, press cling film or greaseproof paper right down on top of the mixture so as to not form a crust on top and pop in a warm space for 12 - 24 hours.
    • The mixture should be aerated and slightly sour smelling when you check on it.

    Cheesecake Filling

    • Combine all ingredients in a high speed blender. Use the tamper stick to keep things moving.
    • Remove â…” of the mixture from the blender and set to one side.
    • Add your colouring of choice to the remaining mix and process to combine. Add a little at a time until you reach the colour you like. You can always add, but you can’t take away.
    • Pour the plain cheesecake filling into the prepared crust and tap it gently to smooth it down evenly and remove any air bubbles.
    • Transfer the coloured cheesecake mix into a piping bag and pipe lines on the surface of the cheesecake.
    • Gently tap the tin to incorporate the two mixes.
    • Using a toothpick or the tip of a paring knife, drag the object through the lines in one direction. Wipe the tip of the toothpick or knife, and then drag it in the opposite direction.
    • Repeat this process until you have finished the entire top of the cheesecake.
    • Place in the fridge or freezer to set - about 2 - 4 hours.
    Rate This Recipe

    Related: What is fermentation?

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